Sonic Unleashed: Question

Joined May 2005
3K Posts | 0+
Blacksburg Va
In the coming day and age, and after reading much about the Sonic Unleashed, it seems that I have ran into a sort of small issue. Being that there are 2 versions of it (PS3/360 and an Wii), would it seem to be most viable to get you know both versions one for the Wii and one for the PS3?!
Starrynite said:
In the coming day and age, and after reading much about the Sonic Unleashed, it seems that I have ran into a sort of small issue. Being that there are 2 versions of it (PS3/360 and an Wii), would it seem to be most viable to get you know both versions one for the Wii and one for the PS3?!
