Who Am I?

Joined Feb 2005
817 Posts | 0+
the goal is to figure out the person I'm describing, good luck

I am an over-zealous holy knight who battles whelplings and I love chicken.
lol well I don't know who this Leeroy guy is...

but anyways..for the sake of the topic,

I'm the wussiest out of my group
I play a unique sport
My city was destroyed by a huge monster which also happens to be my dad

Come on...this one should be a piece of cake
AresGodOfWar023 said:
is it Tidus?

Ahhhhhhhhh....hahah man you beat me to it....okay maybe I need to check in more :D

okay...ummm I'm a character in dead or alive,
I'm not in my original suit,
but in my solo game I have a full on costume that conseals my face
sunny_d said:
Ahhhhhhhhh....hahah man you beat me to it....okay maybe I need to check in more :D

okay...ummm I'm a character in dead or alive,
I'm not in my original suit,
but in my solo game I have a full on costume that conseals my face

O come on, I jus did a review for this game :lol

Hayabusa :D

I'm from Tekken
My father wants to kill me to gain my blood
what letter does it start with

a? b? c?

d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z?
Who am I?

I was in one of the worst games of all time, and all I did was fly through rings