Expansion Pak

Joined Jun 2004
3K Posts | 0+
Never owned one, as I thought the $30 was way too much for something that seemed useless to me (hey, I was like 8 at the time!). They should've just included it in the system in my opinion.
Expansion Pak was worth the cash IMO, because some games you couldn't play without it, and some games had to cut out features if you didn't have it.
I had to get it for Majora's Mask...it wasn't an option for me, Zelda fan that I am, not to get it. :lol And then it came in handy for Perfect Dark, as well.
I got mine for free with Donkey Kong 64....although i never really noticed a whole lot of a difference except for some of the games that had to have it.
for the games that utilized it for the graphics....etc... man did it make a difference :crazy

too bad they couldn't have invented a 16meg one for more ! :D