Nintendo 64 System Sets - How Many Were There?

Joined May 2004
13K Posts | 1+
Post it up... how many different system sets were there for the N64. Whether it be the boxset only included an extra controller, 2 controllers and a game...etc... how many different boxsets were made?
System Deck packages - US and International.

Pics would be good as well :)

Post it up!

†B†V† :hat
off the top of my head right now, i can say: standard black, clear - orange, green, smoke, pink, ice; gold, set with the atomic purple controller and the pikachu/pokemon
Don't forget the STAR WARS EPISODE 1 Pod Racer bundle and the legendary GOLD Toys R Us Zelda Bundle.

Also the Donkey Kong 64 Jungle Green Bundle
Oh ok I was just about to ask if there was Gold one. Good thing I re-read Mega's reply first! lol
Oh yeah the POKEMON Stadium Battle Set. Came with 1 Controller, Pokemon Stadium, Transfer Pak, and Guide Book