Stubbs the Zombie (The game nobody played?)

Joined Jan 2005
18K Posts | 0+
Waco, TX
It's esentially HALO 1 with Zombies. In a sense, its a bit harder, but there is a sweet 2 player co-op mode. Lots of interesting and funny moments. However, I'm surprised they got away with the scene where Stubbs has to pee so bad, that he actually ruins the entire water supply for the city of "Punch Bowl".

An awesome retro tribute to all the cheesy late 50's and 60's sci-fi and horror flicks by far. Plus, sporting a retro 50's soundtrack, songs like "Mr. Sandman" and "Lollipop"

Oh and if you want more of a replay value to this, if you're really good in the dance off scene (which was just SO random for this game...). Master Cheif himself makes a cameo and you have to dance against him.

Yet, from my understanding, I never heard much about this title until it appeared in Xbox Originals for 360. I find it to be quiet challenging and very humorous. Plus, playing as a leader of a horde of ZOMBIES always rocks the house.

*Edit* Sorry, I just discovered, Master Chief from HALO is NOT in the game. In fact, the truth is: The chief of police is ironically named "Chief Masters"
Yep, this was one of those games I wanted to play but never got around to it. And like you said, many have called it Halo with zombies. Very cool!
I always wanted to play this too. Didn't look too serious, and seemed like it would be a cult hit.
I finished it last night, pretty cut and dry ending. Pretty short of a game however. I liked it :)
lol, I rented it, fun game if I saw it somewhere for cheap I would buy it but I don't think it warrants purchase for more than 20 bucks
A friend of mine really likes this game. When it's brought up, one of the highlights he mentions is ripping off your arm and attaching it to a soldier, then using your mind-control-powers to make them succumb to your will. Seen it around at EB before, but I didn't get it. Had other stuff on my mind than an old Zombie game, even if it is an entertaining time killer.