Duck Hunt!

Joined Jun 2004
11K Posts | 0+
Did you know that someone could plug a controller into the second port and control the ducks? I only found that out about a year ago. I don't remember if I knew back when it first came out. :lol
I knew that, I was the only person out for my friends that did know the trick, and i'd control them whilst they were playing. It took them so long to figure out I was doing it, i'd just say I liked holding the controller...morons. ::)
There is a duck hunt flash game at where you can shoot the dogs. It is a pretty good conversion

I knew that about the controller... the manual even stated that i believe :)

Man... that was actually really fun and annoying with a friend controlling the ducks :)

Friggin Dime turns :lol :lol

†B†V† :hat