Sega Genesis Controller Extension Cables

Joined Oct 2006
204 Posts | 0+
Gainesville, FL
Does anyone know if they make controller extension cables for the sega genesis or wireless controllers? I know this may sound crazy to some of you, but I won't play a console unless I have either the extension cables or the wireless controllers. I am lucky to have some very nice extension cables for the Neogeo systems. Right now my Genesis is just sitting there collecting dust until I can find some.
I think it's safe to say no on this one.

You may be able to mosey on down to a Radio Shack, find some goodies and then perform sergury on a Genny controller to add more length to the controller cable.

Or you can submit to the enjoyment of old school tech and play it as is.
There were/are extension cables. Ill try and get a link <<< done
wirelesss ^^
I was too busy chatting it up to notice that Bluevoodu actually has one. My bad. ::D