Flingsmash with Wii Motion Plus

Joined Jan 2005
18K Posts | 0+
Waco, TX
I just received the game in the mail from last Friday's Amazon.com sale. I will say it's a definite buy for people looking for a 2nd remote and feels more rewarding than Wii Sports Resorts. It's a cute little adventure game where you have to save the island as "Zip" or "Pip" the Flingsmashers. The controls are pretty precise and knows your every turn of the remote. The game occasionally tells you to not swing so hard, since it's really more about precision. It reminds me of Pinball + Puzzle game with a Rail Gun Shooter since you're scrolling across each level trying to reach the goal. All kinds of power ups and 2 player co-op brings lots of fun for the kids.

Bottom line for any of us who work in retail, YES it's a definite buy! Sell these blundes will make any new Nintendo Wii owner very happy. The game is actually...well...fun! Plus a brand new Black Wii Remote Plus? I mean wow nicely done Nintendo!