Twilight Princess: I've lost the motivation...

Joined Jun 2004
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I seriously haven't played any of Twilight Princess for over 2 weeks now, and I've only beaten Arbiter's Grounds and am about to get the rest of the Twilight Mirror pieces.

As far as I know, this has never happened to me with a Zelda game. Final Fantasy XII came a little too early (and Final Fantasy is > Zelda, to me) and so I do put it down to that game, but I dunno.

I think it could also be the emptiness of Hyrule in this game. There's not that much to do in the huge fields except collect the ocassional golden bug and find the occassional heart piece. I don't like going from point A to point B in any game, I love to wander around...but there's got to be stuff to wander around for, and in TP there just isn't. Like in FFXII, early on in the game you can just scale the Eastersand and Westersand areas, level up and hunt marks, as well as just seeing what's out there. In TP there's plenty of enemies, but I can literally close my eyes, wave the Wiimote around, and they're dead. I'm not impressed.

Has this happened to anyone else with this game? Am I right that the game really isn't that great, or am I just taking on too much at once?
I got stuck looking for the big key in a dungeon about a month ago and havent gone back to the game because Rogue Galaxy came out then Crackdown and now i got my hands on Final Fantasy VII
Yeah, I was very dissapointed with this game. I was so excited that it was the only game I wanted for the Wii for Christmas. The lack of effort and creativity thrown in the game is very noticable in my opinion. They waited too long to bring this game out just because they wanted it to be a Wii launch title as well. Big mistake hyping a game like that for that long. Only Zelda die-hards truly loved the game to death. Rogue Galaxy any good?
Retro Hero said:
I seriously haven't played any of Twilight Princess for over 2 weeks now, and I've only beaten Arbiter's Grounds and am about to get the rest of the Twilight Mirror pieces.

As far as I know, this has never happened to me with a Zelda game. Final Fantasy XII came a little too early (and Final Fantasy is > Zelda, to me) and so I do put it down to that game, but I dunno.

I think it could also be the emptiness of Hyrule in this game. There's not that much to do in the huge fields except collect the ocassional golden bug and find the occassional heart piece. I don't like going from point A to point B in any game, I love to wander around...but there's got to be stuff to wander around for, and in TP there just isn't. Like in FFXII, early on in the game you can just scale the Eastersand and Westersand areas, level up and hunt marks, as well as just seeing what's out there. In TP there's plenty of enemies, but I can literally close my eyes, wave the Wiimote around, and they're dead. I'm not impressed.

Has this happened to anyone else with this game? Am I right that the game really isn't that great, or am I just taking on too much at once?

The same thing literally happened with me. I never before played a Final Fantasy game, I hated the menu scrolling involved to play them, but I actually quit playing Zelda to play this game as well, putting it down for weeks at a time. My roomate did the same thing too, although he held off playing Zelda for weeks to beat FFXII, and he was a little farther in the game than you are when I traded Zelda in to EB for store credit. He didn't mind at all.

The main problem I had with the game was when you got a new weapon you only used it once or twice outside of the dungeon, making it effectively useless. In OOT whenever you got a new weapon in a dungeon immediately you thought of several uses for it in Hyrule field. In TP, not at all. The game really was dissapointing. FF XII on the other hand, in my opinion, should have received game of the year. Even with all the hype about the game, and the amount of copies sold, I still think it's underrated.
no i agree, the game is not THAT great. i personally my least favorite of the 3d zelda games.

although good, not as good as other 3D adventure games.
Strubes said: Rogue Galaxy any good?

Yea dude, if you liked the Dark Cloud games then this is a must buy although the box says 100+ of gameplay and i did the main story and bonus dungeon in 35. But the game is sweet nonetheless
Hinesmdc said:
no i agree, the game is THAT great. i personally my least favorite of the 3d zelda games.

although good, not as good as other 3D adventure games.

See, that's what people keep saying. I personally just think people say it's so great because it's a Zelda title, sorry.
well i hate to admit it, but im in the same boat, i have not picked up zelda since early january, basically because i too have lost the motivation
Well I devoted a whole week to it, beat it and got a few extras and haven't picked it up since
Poo! This is a depressing thread to read. I don't even have the game yet, and I am already getting sad reading this stuff. All Zelda games must rule! Man, that really stinks if this game wasn't that hot. I mean, I was really looking forward to it, and it got awesome reviews and ratings....

But pretty much all of you seem disappointed it...which is not very reassuring to me...ah, well..
Retro Hero said:
See, that's what people keep saying. I personally just think people say it's so great because it's a Zelda title, sorry.

oh i agree, my bad. it was supposed to say its NOT THAT GREAT

my bad, yea i totally agree with you.
Enigma dont let us talk you out of getting the game! This is just our opnion, my two friend that own the game have played the series since day one and say it is the best ever. This was my first Zelda game, so that could have someting to do with my opnion :)
I wouldn't say zelda is a bad game, just that there are alot of games out there that did what twilight princess did and did it better
I think my problem with it is that it is too big and requires more time than I usually have to play it.

I lost all of my save files because my Wii died. That includes the 15+ hours I had put into Twilight Princess. I really hated the water temple, so I'm really reluctant to start it up again because it's not one of those kind of games where you can just play for a little at a time. Whenever I played Twilight Princess I had to set aside an hour or two hours or whatever. It's really awesome but it just is time-consuming compared to a lot of other games.
Yeah, I'm not bashing the game or anything, infact I would rate it about an 8.9 out of 10. I had a lot of fun up until after the Lakebed Temple, then I started noticing how "empty" the game seems.

Meh, I guess I suffer from the hype syndrome when it comes to the Zelda series. I expect the next Ocarina of Time, and I honestly thought this would be it in the Months leading up to it. I'm still going to finish it when I can get out of the FFXII zone, but I'll probably try to speed through the rest of it. :-\
Your Wii died? Ouch.

I have never been a big fan of the Zelda series, so I probably wouldn't like this either. I am surprised at the amount of people that don't enjoy it, although, that is probably as a result of the hype behind.

Hype can so often make a great game seem bad, just because you expected so much more than what you got.
Yeah, I ended up trading in Zelda yesterday for money to preorder Super Paper Mario, Mass Effect, Two Worlds, and Blue Dragon.
Well, this is discouraging because I have been wanting to buy the GC version...
if you think about it, when you take the word 'zelda' off the box, its a very average game. it ranks lower than god of war, im sad to say.