I don't like halo

Joined Aug 2007
298 Posts | 0+
I did. I don't. What game(s) don't you like?

Another one of my hated games is Karate Kid on nes. It's retarded :D
I like Halo but there was a game i played but i cant remember....it was a halo ripoff and you couldnt get past the 1st level without dying over and over and over and over...... :sick
Twilight Princess was hella fun at first then got repetive and boring...

Halo is on there too
GamingMaiden said:
I like Halo but there was a game i played but i cant remember....it was a halo ripoff and you couldnt get past the 1st level without dying over and over and over and over...... :sick

are you talking about brute force? even if you arent ...

i hate all forms of racing games out there cept twisted metal if that even is a racing game...